Channel your Inner Scout/Girl Guide: Be Prepared (for Retirement)
As the Hey bud- how's the money thing going? Or is it already gone?
Retirement doesn't just happen; you need to prepare, you need to plan. And while it isn't the most important thing in retirement (your state of mind is), you still need to understand where your money is coming from, where it's going to, and how long it will last.
Given that, it seems odd that so many people let things slide. According to the Conference Board of Canada, "nearly 60 per cent of those between 55 and 64 said they had not put away enough to retire, while 40 per cent older than 65 also said they hadn't saved enough".
This is a good start, Seven Ways to Prepare for Retirement in Canada, by Moneysense magazine. It’s a basic primer about what you need to know to start the process. Read it and reap. And support your local/national media of choice with a subscription.
-Blaze Krautner