Take Action The Old Fashion Way
Feeling sluggish? Isolation/distancing/waiting for vaccination got you down?
Sometimes it’s hard to get going, especially on day 384 of Groundhog Year. If we’re not waiting for our first jab, we’re waiting for our second. We wait for friends and family to join us, for our communities to open up so we can start talking and laughing and sharing meals. In the meantime, it gets a little wearing trying yet another recipe, watching yet another noir-ish detective series, or walking around the same block for the thousandth time.
Here’s a solid article on how to get over yourself and start doing things right now. It’s a real-world look at getting your ass in gear, courtesy of Mark Manson, the guy who wrote the Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck (his asterisk, not mine). Manson (who looks like Michael Buble’s kid brother) gives no-nonsense advice and info about just about everything, including how to get out of your Covid rut.
The exec summary is something like this: instead of waiting for a lightbulb moment of inspiration to prod you into action, skip ahead to an action, any action. To start something, do something. The concept is as simple as its visual:
You don’t need inspiration to begin something, you just need to move your body. Whether it’s an exercise regime, work project, odd job, new (or old) hobby), get moving physically, because action leads to inspiration, which feeds motivation, which feeds action, yada yada kumbaya.
There are dozens of articles on the site, all cutting through the clutter of crap (my phrase) and distraction that bogs us down every day. So in the words of those renowned philosophers Cheech and Chong: get your little fanny perpendicular, mister. And start moving.